Why does saree look great on almost every woman?

As women who are surrounded by fabrics and trims of all kinds, it is hardly a surprise that we think a lot about fashion and are always trying to figure out the latest trends in women fashion. 

Which style is in….What will look great on what body type etc… Since both of us have absolutely opposite body types…it is a shame we cannot share our dresses! :(  

However, one garment that we can freely share is our sarees! If there is one garment that beats the trend and looks good on almost every woman, it is the Indian Saree. Don't you agree?

The saree makes every woman look desirable, unlike garments like gowns, skirts, jeans etc, which look great on women with a slender figure. Even a tomboy kind of girl looks feminine in a saree.  

The other day we got discussing as to why is it that the saree looks so sexy on almost every body type and boy! (or should I say, oh, girl!) what a fun discussion it was! We explored so many potential reasons: 

  1. Maybe because a saree exposes the skin in such a beautiful manner, that it looks seductive. 
  2. Maybe because it drapes well to accentuate one's curves
  3. Or  maybe because it is so easy to accessorize a saree that the jewelry around it just makes the woman look so much prettier
  4. Or maybe because it lends grace to any lady

But the award-winning reason is - 

Because as soon as you put on a saree, it becomes you! It becomes part of your personality, it helps you make a statement like no other garment! And best part…you can choose to make different statements with the same saree depending on your mood (full paisa vassool if you ask us :D )

Drape your saree the way it suits your body type….hide your baby belly or flash your navel, wear a long blouse or flash your back, add height to your petite frame with a long pallu or break up your extra tall frame, your saree will always be your best spokesperson!

And in the best of internet tradition, we also came up with a hashtag to show off our fav saree...#mysareemyway! What do you think? Shall we share our #mysareemyway moment...any moment....when you draped it differently, when you paired it with an eclectic blouse or when you accessorised it differently, or just when you were looking pretty pretty in your favourite saree!

Loads of Love

Sap and Meg



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